increse likes of your facebook posts

5:58 pm Posted by Unknown 3 comments
hello friends today I am going to tell you about a very famous trick of facebook
This trick is called facebook auto liker
you may seen this in mine photo

You can see that I got 1800+ likes on one single photo
you can also got this on any of your photo or status but for this you have to learn how this works
there is a auto liker page on this page you have to past your facebook photo or status id
now what is that id???
this is the id of any contant you post on facebook no need of any token or link your device is needed you just have to copy your facebook post id and put it in the page all done

NOTE-This trick is only working on mobile for pc users m goint to tell you another trick after this post
the facebook id of your post are of this type you just have to copy that and past on the page submit it
one 1 time sumiting your post id you got minimum 50 likes in just 10 second
if you want more then 50 likes you just have to submit your post id after 10 minutes
so friends here is your auto liker page
thnx for reading if you like this or if it works for you plz comment plz